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These are the most popular options

All capacity specs are based on the global versions, not TDP compliant versions sold in Canada and EU countries which are all 2ml.

Vaporesso GT Ccell Coils

EJuice Connect Link

For the biggest hits you can get, this is the best option. However it is also the biggest option as well which means it's basically the opposite of discreet. It is one of the only coils that can handle extremely thick, unterped oils. All tanks are glass unless stated otherwise.

The best tank to use is the Fat Rabbit due to its top airflow, however it is often hard to find. Usually the easiest to find tank is the TFV9 which has bottom airflow and a higher chance of leaking than the Fat Rabbit does. All tanks have adjustable airflow, many people like 25-50% open airflow but it's personal preference.

Recommended wattage for 0.5ohm Ccells is 15-20w in wattage mode or 20-30w in Temperature Control mode at 350-420F. For 0.3ohm coils use 5-10w higher.

  • Smok
  • Vaporesso
    • NRG (5ml) or NRG-S (8ml)
    • NRG-SE (3.5-4.5ml)
    • NRG/NRG-S/SE Mini (2ml)
    • Cascade (7ml)
    • Cascade Mini (3.5ml)
    • Cascade Baby (5ml)
    • Cascade Baby SE (6.5ml)
  • Advken
    • Barra (PCTG Plastic) (4ml)
    • Owl (4ml)
    • Manta (4.5ml)
  • Geek Vape
    • Aero Mesh (4ml)
    • Cerberus (4-5.5ml)
    • Shield (4.5ml)
  • Hellvape
  • Sigelei
    • Shikra/Shikra Baby (2-5.5ml)
    • Moonshot 120 (2.5-5ml)
    • KAOS120 (5.5ml)
  • Wotofo - Flow (4ml) or Flow Pro (4-5ml) 
  • Eleaf - Ello/S/TS (2-4ml)
  • Joyetech - Procore Air or X (4.5ml)
  • Tesla - H8 (5ml) or H8 Mini (2ml)
  • Vaptio - Frogman (5ml) or Frogman C (6ml)
  • OBS - Cube (4ml)

I don't have much knowledge about mods but these are ones that have worked well for me. I will do more research to find durable mod options.

Internal Battery

  • VooPoo Argus MT (my most used mod)
  • Vaporesso Gen Nano

External Battery 

[Will be updated soon, there's a ton of kits and many sites don't allow sorting by tank]

Smok RPM Quartz Coil

EJuice Connect Link

This is a good all-around coil, it provides slightly bigger hits than a cart would while being able to handle significantly more oil before going bad. The taste isn't as good as it can be with ceramic coils, but it's not significantly worse either. 

The best devices in terms of features is either the RPM 2 or the IPX 80.

Recommended wattage is 3-10w, I use 5w for my devices.

  • Smok
    • Nord 2 [no wattage lock] (4.5ml)
    • Nord 4 [no wattage lock] (adjustable airflow) (4.5ml)
    • Nord X [no wattage lock] (6ml)
    • Nord 50w [RPM pod sold separately] (adjustable airflow) (4ml)
    • RPM 2/2S (7ml)
    • RPM 40 (4.3ml)
    • RPM 80/80 Pro (5ml)
    • RPM Lite (3.2ml)
    • ALIKE (5.5ml)
    • Fetch Mini (3.7ml)
    • Fetch Pro (adjustable airflow) (4.3ml)
    • IPX 80 [RPM pod sold separately] (adjustable airflow) (5.5ml)
    • Pozz X (adjustable airflow) (4.5ml)
    • Scar P3/P5 (5.5ml)
    • Thallo/Thallo S [RPM pod sold separately] (adjustable airflow) (5ml)
  • Veepon (Requires Bridge Adapter)
    • Tita AIO (2ml)
    • Tita X AIO (4ml)

Smok TF RPM (2ml)

Smok Nord Ceramic Coil

EJuice Connect Link

This about the same as the RPM coil but some users claim it provides better flavor, the wicking holes are smaller than the RPM coil so it may not be able to wick as quickly or may struggle with very thick oils. 

The best devices in terms of features is either the Nord 50w or RPM 40.

Recommended wattage is 3-8w.

  • Smok
    • Nord [no wattage control] (3ml)
    • Nord 2 [no wattage lock] (4.5ml)
    • Nord 50w (adjustable airflow) (4.5ml)
    • Nord Pro (2 airflow modes) (3.3ml)
    • RPM 40 (4.5ml)
    • ALIKE [Nord pod sold separately] (5.5ml)
    • Fetch Mini (3.7ml)
    • Trinity Alpha [no wattage control] (2.8ml)
  • Veepon (Requires Bridge Adapter)
    • Tita AIO (2ml)
    • Tita X AIO (4ml)

These are the older but still good options

They're just a lot harder to find and there m​any not be links available.

Vaporesso EUC Ccell/Ceramic Coils

These have a larger variety of options than any other coil, they have FIVE different ohm coils that are all ceramic and compatible with the listed tanks, however because these are harder to find there's not as many reviews that specify the differences between them. There will likely be a dedicated page for these in the future (will be linked here when available). 

Unfortunately all of the tanks for these coils have been discontinued for a long time and there aren't many places that regularly have them in stock. If you can find or have any of these tanks then the ceramic coils are still available on many sites. All tanks are glass.

Recommended wattage depends on the exact coil, start at 5w under the minimum recommended wattage from the manufacturer and slowly go up as needed.

  • Vaporesso
    • Drizzle (1.8ml)
    • Estoc (4ml)
    • Veco (4ml)
    • Veco Plus (4ml)
    • VM 25/22/18 Tank (2ml)

Vaporesso Ccell & CCell-GD / Eleaf EC Ceramic Coils

WARNING: The coils in this category are UNTESTED, Vaporesso claims that both of these coils are compatible with all of the listed tanks, however as you can see they look very different from each other. I cannot find any info that 100% confirms nor denies compatibility, nor has any of them been tested with any type of thick oil. This is the only coil set that hypothetically works.

Recommended wattage depends on the exact coil, start at 5w under the minimum recommended wattage from the manufacturer and slowly go up as needed.

  • Amigo 
    • Donner 22
    • Riptide Top Fill 
    • Riptide V1 
  • Anyvape
    • Fury Tank 
    • SegaTank 
  • Aspire
    • Atlantis
    • Triton
  • Atmos Sub-Vers + Mini/TF 
  • Beyond Vape Silo Beast 
  • CoilART Online Tank 
  • Coiltech Atank 
  • Digiflavor Bucho 
  • DotMod Petri SubOhm Tank 
  • EHPRO & Eciggity Morph Tank 
  • Eleaf 
    • ECL
    • ECML
    • iJust 2 + Mini
    • MELO + 2/3
  • Freemax
    • Scylla 
    • Starre 
    • Starre Pro 
  • Geek Vape Illusion Mini 
  • Gigue Aeolus + Mini 
  • Heatvape EcoTank 
  • Kronos X2O
  • Ovancl Espole
  • Playboy Vixen 
  • Science of Vaping Eclipse 
  • Sense Tech Herakles 
  • Sigelei X-Tank 
  • Smokme Subverter Mini 
  • Steam Tribe Mini Sub Ohm Tank 
  • Sunone Sking Square 
  • Tobeco Super Tank
  • Vape Forward VF ATTY 
  • Vapefly Fantasy Mini M2
  • Vapeston 
    • Ceramikas 
    • Maganus 
  • Vapor DNA Project Sub Ohm Saucecode 
  • Vapor-Tek
    • Morpheus 
    • Morpheus V2 VGOD Tricktank
  • Vaporesso
    • Gemini
    • Guardian
    • ORC
    • Target Pro
    • Target Tank

VooPoo PnP-C1 Coil

This is pretty close to the performance of a cart, but it can handle much more oil before the taste degrades. It is about half of the diameter of the Smok Nord Ceramic coil but the wicking holes sit as close to the bottom as it can go so you can run the tank/pod down very low before needing a refill, assuming you keep it upright when low. Less taste than the Nord Ceramic and can easily clog. 

Unfortunately this coil is very hard to find and has been discontinued a while ago, but if you can find the coil then there are still tanks and pods available for them (unlike the EUC). All devices have adjustable airflow unless otherwise stated.

Recommended wattage is 3-8w, I use 5w for my devices.

  • VooPoo
    • Argus Air (non-adjustable airflow) (3.8ml)
    • Argus Pro or X (4.5ml)
    • Drag S/S Pro [PnP kit] (4.5ml)
    • Dra​​g X/X Pro/X Plus [PnP kit] (4.5ml)
    • Drag E60 (5ml)
    • Drag H40 (5ml)
    • Drag H80S (5ml)
    • Vinci/X Mod Pod (2 airflow modes) (5.5ml) [Regular “Vinci Pod” device is NOT compatible]
    • Vinci 2/X 2 (6.5ml)
    • Vinci 3 (4ml)
    • Vinci R (2 airflow modes) [3 voltage modes] (5.5ml)
    • Vinci Air (2 airflow modes) (4ml)
    • V.SUIT (non-adjustable airflow) (2ml)

  • VooPoo
    • PnP Pod Tank (4.5ml)
    • U-Force L [Top Airflow] (Glass Tank) (6.5ml)

These are pod based devices that don't have removable coils

The listed devices and pods are the ONLY compatible options, there are devices with similar names but use completely different pods so you have to be careful.

Vaporesso Zero Ccell Ceramic Pods

The original Vaporesso Renova Zero came with 1.0ohm Ccell pods. The Zero 2 also has 1.3ohm Ccell pods available. These haven't been tested much, I've seen a few comments of people using them but I can't find any full posts comparing them to other devices. This is one I plan on testing if I can find any.

Smok Novo Ceramic or Novo 2 Quartz Pods (similar to Nord & RPM)

EJuice Connect Novo 2 Quartz

This is the most popular simple pod device, almost all the devices don't have wattage control (unless stated otherwise) but still perform pretty well. Auto-draw only and button + auto control are listed separately.

The best devices in terms of features are the Novo SE or Novo GT Box.

These are pod based devices that don't have wide compatibility

The listed devices and pods are the ONLY compatible options. None have adjustable airflow.

iKrusher VFire Ceramic Pods

VFire Mod, VFire Pro

Smok Mico 1.4ohm Ceramic Pods

Smok Mico ONLY

Wi-Pod Ceramic Pods

Wi-Pod 420 Kit, Wi-Pod X
Mi-Pod Pro (non Plus model)