Learn What You Need There's a few things you need besides the device and oils themselves. This will show what is required as well as what is optional.
Learn How To Fill This will tell you the steps of filling various devices. Video tutorial coming soon.
Find Your Device There are various devices for many types of uses, this will compare the devices as well as describe their hit type. There are also links directly to the device from websites I've personally ordered from.
Sites To Buy Devices From These are sites that I have personally ordered from and received good service, however I cannot guarantee anything as I am unrelated to the companies themselves.
Compatible Oils and Making Blends This will tell you the types of cannabinoids used for these devices as well as other cannabinoids and terpenes that can be added to the base oils.
Having Issues? Here are some common issues as well as potential solutions If these answers do not work then feel free to make a post on the subreddit which is found at the bottom of all pages on this site.