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Learn What You Need

The links are just examples of what you can use, I tried to find the best rated items from Amazon. I have used all linked items except the candle warmer/hotplate, pipettes, and the small bowls.

Everything you need

Other than your desired device and oils

Candle Warmer / Hot Plate

This is used for heating your oil as well as the syringe/pipette so that the oil doesn't solidify as soon as it's sucked up. A hot plate is better for precise temps and many have magnetic stirrers which are very helpful for making cannabinoid blends. If using an oil that requires decarbing, you want to do that with a proper temperature controlled device like an oven or sous vide. A candle warmer or hot plate is only for warming ready to vape oils, though the other devices can also be used for warming at lower temperatures as well.

2.5-5ml Glass Syringe / Pipette

These are the easiest to use transfer methods. For many devices you'll need a luer lock tip in order to fit the tip inside of the tank/pod, I recommend full steel blunt tips instead of the plastic + metal tips that most syringes include as they can break if the oil cools down too much. Glass syringes with a metal plunger (as pictured) are the most reliable but also tend to be harder to find. Glass pipettes will also work but since they don't have luer lock tips, you have to make sure to get one with a small enough tip to fit into your chosen device. I don't personally use pipettes but other users claim that they're easier to clean and require less grip strength to suck up and dispense if you struggle with syringes like I sometimes do.

Isopropyl Alcohol + Wipes

No matter what type of oil you use, there will probably be some type of sticky mess by the time you're done. 90% or higher Isopropyl Alcohol works fantastic for dissolving the oil but is not great for cleaning skin or pods/tanks. That's where the alcohol wipes come in handy, just standard unscented isopropyl wipes are great for wiping down any excess from a pod or tank without risking the alcohol seeping through any cracks like it might if you just poured alcohol on it and wiped it off. Obviously you can also make your own wipes but make sure you use something strong like a paper towel or cloth, tissues or toilet paper will make a much larger mess. If wipes don't clean your hands properly then you can use either hand sanitizer or a soap called Fast Orange (1 gallon is usually the best value) which is generally made for mechanics but works great for this type of oil as well.

Other things you may want

These aren't necessarily required but can be helpful

Silicone Dab Mats

These are great for covering your work surface with, they come in a wide variety of sizes and make cleanup much easier. If you can make sure your environment is dust-free then you could also use these to reclaim any lost oil for expensive products like rosin without contamination. 

Shot Glass or Small Bowls

This is good for heating up your syringe/pipette, it won't get as hot as if the syringe/pipette were directly on the heating surface but that's a good thing so that you don't burn your hands like I always do. It will also collect any oil that may leak out if reheating the syringe/pipette is necessary. This can also be used for heating up tanks/pods to free up the fill port or extract remaining oil, just be careful with how long you heat anything plastic.

Disposable Gloves

If you have any issues with your hands being excessively sticky, you'll definitely want some gloves. You will get sticky at least the first few times you fill devices, if not every time like it's been for me so far, it can be very annoying once the oil cools as it will stick to EVERYTHING you touch. You do need to make sure that any tools are cool enough that they won't burn since most disposable gloves aren't rated for high temperatures.