Filling devices with a replaceable coil
Pods with non-replaceable coils are slightly different and are shown below these instructions.
Prepare your workspace
You'll want to give yourself plenty of space in case of spills. Start warming your oil with your chosen method, as well as your syringe/pipette. Open any tanks or pods you'd like to fill. If you're refilling a pod and the opening is blocked, turn it upside down until everything flows away from the opening.
Suck up the oil
Use your warm syringe/pipette to suck up the oil from it's container. If you have a cap for your syringe then you could also fill it from the back if you take the plunger out, in my opinion that has a higher chance to be messy. Re-warm the syringe/pipette as needed, they tend to cool down pretty quickly and will be hard to dispense when it's too cold.
Prime your coil (Fresh coil only)
Take your syringe/pipette and dispense a very small amount of oil onto the white wicking holes of the coil. Warming the coil can help it absorb, but don't let it get too hot to touch as it can deform the silicone gaskets (and it hurts). Once it absorbs do another round of dripping onto the wicking holes, if it no longer absorbs that means it's ready. As long as the oil is still warm, you should be able to wipe off the excess oil with a paper towel (or dab tool if you'd like to recover it), then install the coil to the tank/pod.
Fill your tank/pod
Once the coil is installed and the tank is screwed together (if applicable), put the tip of the syringe/pipette into the tank/pod (10mm or smaller tip recommended) and dispense. Start as far into it as possible, if filling a rectangular pod try to get the oil to fill the side opposite of the fill port before filling the rest, it's hard to get it to flow over once it cools down. Try to leave a small amount of air at the top as many devices have a rubber plug that will displace the oil if it's too full and will cause a mess. Use alcohol wipes if that happens. Wait 5-10 mins for the oil to cool and you can start hitting it!
Filling pods with non-replaceable coils
The first 2 steps are the same as above
Prepare your workspace
You'll want to give yourself plenty of space in case of spills. Start warming your oil with your chosen method, as well as your syringe/pipette. Open any pods you'd like to fill. If you're refilling a pod and the opening is blocked, turn it upside down until everything flows away from the opening.
Suck up the oil
Use your warm syringe/pipette to suck up the oil from it's container. If you have a cap for your syringe then you could also fill it from the back if you take the plunger out, in my opinion that has a higher chance to be messy. Re-warm the syringe/pipette as needed, they tend to cool down pretty quickly and will be hard to dispense when it's too cold.
Fill your pod
Put the tip of the syringe/pipette into the pod (12mm or smaller tip recommended) and dispense. Start as far into it as possible, if filling a rectangular pod try to get the oil to fill the side opposite of the fill port before filling the rest, it's hard to get it to flow over once it cools down. Try to leave a small amount of air at the top as many pods have a rubber plug that will displace the oil if it's too full and will cause a mess. Use alcohol wipes if that happens. If your pod is already primed, wait until the oil is cooled and you can hit it!
Prime your pod (First pod fill only)
Since you can't directly prime the coil, you need to wait a bit like you would when filling a cart. Normally it takes about 30-45 mins to fully wick because of how thick the oil is once cooled. If you have a heat source that can provide a very small amount of heat (many people use a gaming console's exhaust or a space heater set to low) that can be used to speed it up, but don't let it sit there too long as the coil can over-wick and cause it to flood which produces spit back and/or clogs.